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Tape in Hair Extensions Blog

Can I Wear My Hair Up With Tape In Hair Extensions?

Can I Wear My Hair Up With Tape In Hair Extensions?

If you've already chosen to wear tape in hair extensions, congrats!!  You made the right choice with the beauty industries leading form of no-damage hair extensions!!  Tape in hair extensions are considered damage free due to the way they are installed.  Tape in hair extensions are installed using the natural growth pattern of the wears hair.  Moving the tape in hair extensions from the natural fall would be considered over directing the tab and is not recommended. 

Tape in Hair Extensions Hair Style Do's:

The photo on the left depicts and style that allows the tape in hair extensions tape tabs to lay flat on the head, directly out from where the hair grows naturally.  Pieces that are not included in the tape in hair extensions are used to pull back the hair away from the face and flap over the other tape in hair extensions making sure none of the tabs are being pulled or over-directed. When done correctly, you cannot see any of the tabs visually, and the style chose gives the illusion of an "up-do" hairstyle.


The photo on the right above shows a modern twist on old Hollywood fashion.  It is quite easy to see that all of the tape in hair extensions tabs are laying directly out from where the hair grows naturally.  The redirection of the hair combed back behind the right ear, takes places below the tape in hair extension tape tab and does not pull or create stress on the tab where is attached to the natural hair.  

Tape in Hair Extensions Hair Style Dont's:

Keep in mind that absolutely NO hair extensions should be worn in high styles of any kind because of the damage that occurs to the natural hair.   The Bottom two photos, although beautiful, depict styles that pull all of the hair back and upward and would force the tape in hair extensions tape tabs to be pulled from the natural growth patter.  These types of styles should be avoided and are not recommended for hair extensions of any kind.