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Tape in Hair Extensions Blog

How Much Does it Cost to Maintain Tape In Hair Extensions?

How Much Does it Cost to Maintain Tape In Hair Extensions?

So you've already been through the cost analysis of what it's going to cost you to get your first set of tape in hair extensions - (if you need a refresher on initial costs, click here).  But know what you'd like to know if how much it costs to maintain your new look.


What does it Cost to Keep up with Tape in Hair Extensions?

So you're in love with your new Tape in Hair Extensions but are worried about the maintenance costs lurking around the corner?  Let us take a peek at what your financial commitment could be on a regular maintenance schedule with your tape in hair extensions.

Regular Maintenance:

4-6 Weeks Faster Hair Growth
6-8 Weeks Slower Hair Growth


Maintenance Cost:

Junior Stylist $50-$200 2.5 - 3.5 Hour Appointment
Senior Stylist $150-$350 1.5 - 2.5 Hour Appointment
Extension Expert $250-$400 1 - 2 Hour Appointment


Extension as a Lifestyle:

If you are looking to budget for a daily life of wearing tape in hair extensions, take a peek at our chart below to see how it fits with your lifestyle.

Cost to Maintain (Avg.)
2 Months $225
6 Months $675
1 Year $1350
2 Years $2,700
5 Years $6750